PTA Leadership

Our Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is led by a dedicated group of Volunteers. You do not need to be a Sun Blaze parent to serve in a leadership role, but you do need to be a PTA Member and ADDitions Approved. Most of all, you need to have a heart to serve our children and the desire to make Sun Blaze Elementary the best school around!


Not sure which PTA Leadership role is right for you? Check out the brief descriptions below.

Ready to join the board? 24-25 Executive Board Application



Executive Board Position Descriptions

The Nominating Committee solicits applications for these positions

and nominates a slate for vote by the General Membership at the May General Meeting.



  • Facilitates the creation of a caring community of parent volunteers and ensures support to teachers/staff.
  • Confers with the Principal and Executive Committee regarding the school community’s wants/needs, plans for the year, and progress toward goals.
  • Oversees and provides guidance to the other Executive Committee members and committee chairs.  
  • Oversees implementation of the budget.
  • Presides over PTA Membership meetings and Executive Board meetings.
  • Attends PTA council meetings when possible.
  • Files his/her signature at the bank containing PTA funds upon taking office.
  • Co-signs or approves all letters and/or communications.
  • Collaborates with the Principal or Principal’s designee to add PTA sponsored events to the school calendar.
  • Acts as an official representative of the school PTA.
  • Responsible for the accuracy of PTA information and compliance with PTA Bylaws and Standing Rules.
  • Cooperates with Incoming PTA President and Board after election to ensure a smooth transition.


Vice President of Fundraising

  • Acts as the point person for all PTA fundraisers.
  • Evaluates fund raising events throughout the year and determines the effectiveness of fundraising efforts.
  • Oversees and provides guidance to the committee chairs involved in fundraising efforts.
  • Applies for PTA awards related to fundraising.
  • Attends all Executive Board Meetings and General Membership Meetings.
  • Presents a report at meetings to summarize fundraising efforts.
  • Coordinates/prepares the advertising/communications concerning fundraising efforts. 


Vice President of Programs

  • Responsible for the planning and execution of school programs, assemblies, and workshops that will enhance the educational experience of students.
  • Coordinate with principal, teachers, staff and Executive Board to develop a program schedule and calendar to be included in the school calendar.  
  • Coordinate program locations and reserve space.
  • Applies for PTA awards related to programs.
  • Attends all Executive Board Meetings and General Membership Meetings.
  • Presents a report at meetings to summarize program efforts.
  • Coordinates/prepares the advertising/communications concerning program efforts.



  • Controls all funds of the PTA by accounting for all receipts and expenditures.
  • Makes disbursements as authorized by the president, Executive Board or General Membership.
  •  Prepares the PTA budget for review and approval by members at the first general meeting in cooperation with the Executive Board and budget committee if applicable.
  • Prepares and submits all tax related documents.
  • Files his/her signature at the bank containing PTA funds upon taking office.
  • Instructs Executive Board members on the expense process.
  • Ensures that expenditures are approved before being incurred.
  • Ensures all treasurer reports and financial statements are prepared for the Audit Committee by July 15th each year.
  • Issues reminders to cash outstanding checks within 30 days.
  • Applies for PTA awards related to treasury.
  • Attends all Executive Board Meetings and General Membership Meetings.
  • Presents a Financial Report at all meetings.


Recording Secretary

  • Prepares and distributes the meeting agendas with the President.
  • Prepares and distributes the meeting minutes.
  • Tracks attendance at Executive Board Meetings and General Membership Meetings.
  • Prepares rooms for meetings.
  • Maintains records of sign in sheets, agendas, minutes, bylaws and standing rules.
  • Provides ballots for all elections.
  • Prepares presentations for meetings.
  • Presents Standing Rules and Procedures annually and prepares revisions as discussed by the Executive Board.
  • Applies for PTA awards related to secretarial duties.
  • Attends all Executive Board Meetings and General Membership Meetings. 


Corresponding Secretary

  • Responsible for dissemination of information to the general membership and the community.
  • Prepares email blasts, maintains Facebook page and updates Website.
  • Maintains PTA website and PTA email addresses.
  • Acts as Executive Board liaison with technology chairperson.
  • Applies for PTA awards related to communication.
  • Attends all Executive Board Meetings and General Membership Meetings.
  • Presents a report (if needed) at meetings to summarize communication efforts.
  • Prepares communications on behalf of the PTA and Executive Board.